I start out my day just fine, early to work, remember my oat meal, have my coffee all is right in the world. Then the calls come in. I have had two 1hour calls. There goes my call time. Dam it! People reboot before calling! & don't lie about it. Just do it. It fixes a lot of problems.
I should be happy I have a job, I have a well paying job. I have a loving & supportive husband. I have a nice town home. I have a dog that is so sweet & loving. I should feel happy. Most of the time I do. Some times I feel like there is something missing thou. Or my life is not where I want it to be. Its frustrating having to wait for life to ketch up with me. Lol! I know I am suppose to be living in the now & I am really happy with my life, but I want more. I want to have, do & be more. Sometimes I just feel like I am about to burst at the seams just waiting for life to ketch up. I have to wait & I am not good with waiting. I know life is trying to teach me patients. I know at times like this I should be making plans & paths to fulfill those plans, but man oh man! Come on! Lol! Sigh! I will get over it.
I look for my first baby things during lunch. I found two things I want. A baby carrier & a stuffed lamb with a binkie. No I'm not prago, but I am making my list checking it three or four times & making at lest 10 reasons why I want or need the things on that list. Then it has to make it through the honey scrutiny. You think I'm bad. (shiver) ya, well let's just say that I can't shop at some stores because of the stuff he found out.
But it's Thru. Almost the weekend. So it's looking up. We have another chyro app sat, lunch with mom, time together & somewhere in the middle I will get a clean house.
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