Hate being sick

I have been fighting a cold for two weeks now, it has moved from sore throat to a slight cough to losing my voice & back to a worse cough. I have taken every cold remedy that I can think of. It's still here. I am living off of pills, I feel sick at the thought of food but my tummy is s rubbing. I try to eat & I can't breath. This sucks. I wouldn't mind being sick if it would go away after a week, but two week come on! I need to start charging rent at this point. ;P

I am going to clean this weekend if I feel better. My poor house it clean but not as clean as I like it. I need to clean all the corners & dust. I also need to scrub both bathrooms, one of which kinda scares me, (shiver) but I ant scared of no boy mess! Lol! I need to wash the top of my shelves in my kitchen & wash all the stuff I store up there. I think I might put parchment paper down as well so cleaning will be easer, just changing the paper, oh! Must not forget to change out the tin foil in the over for new stuff. Make lunches for next week, do about 6 loads of laundry & then pack all the stuff I have to return to people that we had for last weekend & label the boxes. I should be done at about 10pm Saturday & then Sunday I can spend making bread or just relaxing. I might do both. (fingers crossed). I still have to talk with a certain person & make so very happy plans for girl time. I can't wait! But I am so keeping this weekend to myself. No running over hill & dale. No nothing but cleaning & baking. You heard my foot stomp right? Lol! Now to let everyone else know my plans. You think it will work? Will I get my weekend off? Stay tuned & I will let you know.

I also have a tome of thank you cards to fill out & send out. I can't wait. I see writers cramp coming my way. LOL! I am every thankful to all those who where their for me & helped me get through that day. I am so happy that the people that really love & care about me where there to share that day with me. Thank you!!!

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