Monday Monday

Woke up with swollen & itchy eyes. Sleepy tired & both my boys laying on me. Lol! Hank had my legs & Clay had my back. We are not talking an arm over me, we are talking literally laying on me. Can we say "squished"?

Work is good. It's busy but really good.

Cleaned all of the upstairs yesterday. Got a new shower current. Now to finish the laundry & to start down stairs. The carpets need shampooing. The kitchen need scrubbing like no one's business. Dusting too. Have to call a great friend & see when she is coming to visit. So much to do. So little time. Sigh. I will over come. I always do.

Called the bank & found out there are unlimited money transfers between checking to savings but only 6 transfers a month from savings to checking. See why I was confuidid? Lol! But this means I can put my savings plan into action. Now to set a reminder to do the transfer. So happy about this.

Guess what I made today :)
Chocolate covered Peanut butter poppers

4 teaspoons peanut butter (I used almond butter).
1 tablespoon softened butter
1/4 cup (slightly heaping) powdered sugar (I add 1teaspoon of coco power with the powder sugar).
1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Stir together the peanut butter and butter until they are well combined and smooth. Stir in the powdered sugar. Roll the dough into three balls. Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave, and coat the peanut butter balls in chocolate. Let the chocolate set and harden a bit (stick them in the fridge if you’re impatient), and enjoy!

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